Miércoles, 03 Marzo 2021 06:49

Activity 15. Probability. March 3rd. English 3° B Destacado

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My father must be at work now. - Mi papá debe de estar en el trabajo ahora. 

Hello everyone! Yesterday we talked about modals of probability. Today you are going to watch next video. - ¡Hola a todos! El día de ayer platicamos sobre los modos de probabilidad. El día de hoy tienes que ver el siguiente video.

When you finish answer next sentences. Choose the correct word. - Cuando termines contesta las siguientes oraciones. Escoje la palabra correcta.

  1. The roller coaster must/can't be fun. There are a lot of people in line. 
  2. You must/can't expect to win the lotery. Millions of people plait every week.
  3. You must/can't be really tired. You fell asleep twice during the movie.
  4. My neighboor must/can't make a lot of money. He's always taking expensives trips.
  5. She must/can't be a good student. She misses school at least once a week.
  6. I must/can't be late. I left an hour early.

Complete next sentences with must, can't or could. - Completa las oraciones con must, can't o could.

  1. You haven't eaten all day? Let me make you a snak, you _____ be hungry!
  2. My mom _____ be at work or at the mall. She's not here.
  3. We _____ fail the test. The teacher said we could look at our books.
  4. Your brother _____ get hurt if he is not carreful.
  5. That guy over there is speaking French. He _____ be the new student from Canada.
  6. You drank three glasses of water 15 minutes ago. You _____ be thirsty again.

We will review tomorrow at class. - Lo revisaremos mañana en clase.

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