Viernes, 19 Marzo 2021 07:22

Activity 27. Now and then. March 19th. English VI

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Hello everyone! According what we did on Wednesday. Today you have to read next text. After answer the questions at you notebook. - ¡Hola a todos! De acuerdo a lo que hicimos el miércoles, el día de hoy tienes que leer el siguiente texto. Despues contesta las preguntas. 

  1. What word describes how high or low sounds are?
  2. What do we hear when something vibrates slowly?
  3. Which makes a higher sound, a long string or short string?
  4. Which makes a lower sound, a thick string or thin string?

When you finish, at your notebook you have to draw something old and something new. - Cuando termines, en tu libreta tienes que dibujar algo antigüo y algo nuevo. 

This activity we'll review on Tuesday. - Esta actividad la revisaremos el martes. 


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Diana Cuenca Arau

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