Jueves, 06 Mayo 2021 15:52

Thursday, May 6th: before & after. 3° primaria

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Good afternoon, students. I hope you're doing great!


The activity for today will be a review of the words BEFORE and AFTER, along with actions. La actividad para hoy será un repaso de las palabras ANTES y DESPUÉS, junto con acciones.


Open your book in page 58, and look at the cellphones displaying text messages. Abre tu libro en la página 58 y mira los celulares mostrando mensajes de texto.


All the texts are showing activities that are to be done at a certain day and time. Todos los textos muestran actividades que serán realizadas en un día y tiempo determinado.


Try to answer the questions below the cellphones with "Yes, he does", "No, he doesn't", "Yes, she does" or "No, she doesn't."

The questions ask WHETHER some activities will be done by the people in a day and time.


Only answer exercise 6, because exercise 7 will be done in class. No need to send anything today.

Sólo contesta el ejercicio 6, ya que el 7 lo realizaremos en clase. No hay necesidad de enviar nada.

Visto 347 veces
Miguel Agustín Hernández Roldan

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