Jueves, 21 Enero 2021 14:28

Thursday. January 21st: How many days...? 3° prim

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Good afternoon, students and parents.


Today's activity will be a review of the dates, AS WELL AS counting. La actividad de hoy será un repaso de las fechas, ASÍ COMO TAMBIÉN contar.


Take out your notebook and write today's date in English. SACA tu libreta y escribe la fecha de hoy en inglés.


Write the phrase "Between ________ and _________ there are _____ days.". Escribe la frase "Entre _______ y ________ hay ____ días."

Look at the following pairs of DATES, and count HOW MANY days there are between them. Mira los siguientes pares de FECHAS y cuenta CUÁNTOS días hay entre ellas.

January 7th - February 2nd

June 20th - July 17th

April 29th - May 3rd

August 10th - September 1st

November 19th - December 6th.

Write in your notebook three sentences about three different dates, like in the example. Escribe en tu libreta tres frases sobre tres pares de fechas distintas, como en el ejemplo:

Between January 7th and February 2nd there are 25 days.


Remember not to count the dates themselves, ONLY the days between them. Recuerda no contar los días mismos, SOLAMENTE los días entre ellas.


There's no need to send anything, we'll check tomorrow in class.

Visto 450 veces
Miguel Agustín Hernández Roldan

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