Jueves, 11 Febrero 2021 13:40

Thursday, February 11th: DON'T & DOESN'T. 3° primaria

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Hello, students and parents. Good afternoon.


The activity for today will be a review of the negative auxiliaries DON'T and DOESN'T. La actividad para hoy será un repaso de los auxiliares de negación DON'T y DOESN'T.


In English we have five singular pronouns: I, you, he, she, it. En inglés tenemos cinco pronombres singulares. Yo, tú, él, ella, eso.

There are also three plural pronouns: we, you, they. Hay también tres pronombres plurales: nosotr@s, ustedes, ell@s.


With the pronouns he, she, it the auxiliary DOESN'T is used to say negative sentences. Con los pronombres he, she, it el auxiliar DOESN'T es usado para decir frases negativas.

For example, HE DOESN'T ask questions. Por ejemplo, ÉL NO hace preguntas.

Or, SHE DOESN'T eat tomatoes. ELLA NO come tomates.



The auxiliary DON'T is used with the rest of the pronouns: I, you, we, they, to write or say negative sentences. El auxiliar DON'T es usado con el resto de los pronombres: yo, tú, nosotr@s, ell@s, para escribir o decir frases negativas.


For example:

I DON'T swim a lot. YO NO nado mucho.

YOU DON'T know Math. TÚ NO sabes matemáticas.

WE DON'T have a pet. NOSOTROS NO tenemos una mascota.

THEY DON'T drink coffee. ELLOS NO beben café.


Practice with your family the auxiliaries, and we will review them tomorrow in class, with some exercises. Practica con tu familia los auxiliares, y los revisaremos mañana en clase.


Be patient. English is a bit complicated and it will take time for you to learn it : )

Sé paciente. El inglés es un poco complicado y te tomará algo de tiempo aprenderlo.

Visto 1071 veces
Miguel Agustín Hernández Roldan

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