Good morning, students.
The activity for the weekend is QUITE simple. You will review the alphabet with your family. La actividad para el fin de semana es MUY simple. Repasarás el alfabeto con tu familia.
First, let me introduce you to this phrase "Spell from...". Primero, te presento la frase "Deletrea desde...".
It's easy. Your mother/father will tell you "Spell from M" and you have to spell "M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z".
Es fácil. Tu mamá/papá te dirá "Deletrea desde la M" y tienes que deletrear "M-N-O-P-Q-R-S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z".
Then, the OTHER WAY ROUND. You will tell them "Spell from T" and they have to spell "T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z".
Luego AL REVÉS. Tú les dirás "Deletrea desde la T" y tienen que deletrear "T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z".
At least four times you and your parents HAVE TO spell. Un mínimo de cuatro deletreos tú y tus papás TIENEN QUE deletrear.
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Fecha límite de envío: domingo 7 de marzo de 2021.